Course Name |
DA 512 Big Data
Processing using Hadoop (Elective)
512 Syllabus
This course will provide the essential background to start to develop programs that will run on Hadoop
Distributed File System (HDFS). The course will also show the students the limitations of traditional
programming techniques and how Hadoop addresses these problems. After learning the basics of a Hadoop
Cluster and Hadoop Ecosystem, students will learn to write programs using Apache Spark framework and run
these programs on a Hadoop Cluster.
DA 513 Time Series
Analysis and Forecasting
DA 513 Syllabus
Time Series Forecasting is one of the most applied data science techniques across many disciplines, most
notably in finance, in supply-chain management, and in production planning. This course is intended to
provide a comprehensive introduction to forecasting methods used in the analysis and forecasting of Time
Series. At the end of the course, students will be able to analyze and explore time series data, build and
apply various Time Series models suitable for a wide range of business problems. PYthon programming
language and libraries will be used in the analysis and forecasting of Time Series problems throughout the
DA 514 Machine Learning
I (Elective)
514 Syllabus
In this course, we will cover fundamental aspects of Machine Learning. We will start with fundamentals of
machine learning, including different learning paradigms, regression and classification problems,
evaluation methods, generalization and overfitting. We will then cover some of the fundamental machine
learning techniques such as decision trees, Bayesian approaches, Naive Bayes classifier, and logistic
regression, k-Nearest neighbor, and online learning algorithms. Besides understanding the basic theory
behind the techniques, students are expected to apply them on different platforms like Weka or Matlab.
DA 518 Exploratory Data
Analysis and Visualization (Elective)
DA 518 Syllabus
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is an approach to data analysis for summarizing and visualizing the
important characteristics of a data set. EDA focuses on exploring data to understand the data’s underlying
structure and variables, to develop intuition about the data set, and decide how it can be investigated
with more formal statistical methods. EDA is distinct from Data Visualization in that EDA is done towards
the beginning of analysis and data visualization is done towards the end to communicate one’s finding.
This course particularly pays attention to the applied techniques to data visualization narratives. We
will draw on case studies from the business world, industry to news media.
DA 517 Machine Learning
II (Elective)
517 Syllabus
In the scope of this course we will begin with data extraction, cleaning, and normalization to prepare
the data for Data Mining Algorithms. We will then cover Data Mining techniques including association rule
mining, sequential patterns, clustering, text mining. Students are expected to understand the fundamental
theory behind each technique, as well as implementing them using an environment such as RapidMiner or
DA 516 Machine Learning with Graphs (Elective)
DA 516 Syllabus
The Machine Learning with Graphs course explores the intersection of graph theory, machine learning, and social network analysis to model and analyze complex networks in modern applications. The course covers foundational concepts including graph representations, link analysis, centrality measures, and community detection, alongside machine learning techniques such as node embeddings and Graph Neural Networks. Throughout the course, students will gain hands-on experience using tools such as NetworkX and PyTorch Geometric, applying these techniques to real-world challenges, including analyzing large-scale networks and modeling social, technological, and biological systems.
DA 515 Practical Case
Studies in Data Analytics (Elective)
DA 515 Syllabus
This course aims at discussing the key principles of knowledge discovery process through various case
studies arising from different application areas. The students are expected to learn the main steps to
traverse when they face new data analytics problems. With each case study, the tools for cleaning,
processing and altering the data shall be visited. A particular attention shall be given to data
inspection, feature reduction and model selection. Each case study will be completed by a thorough
discussion and interpretation of the results.
DA 522 Information Law
and Data Ethics (Elective)
DA 522 Syllabus
Given the widespread distribution of data in today’s buısiness world, the legal and ethical issues
related to the use of data have been, and will be, of critical importance in establishing a corporate
policy. Within the framework of these legal and ethical issues, students will gain an understanding of the
following concepts: private, confidential, anonymous and open data; private versus public data; data
ownership and proprietary rights; intellectual property; overview of existing legal framework;
constraints, rules and legislative procedure in access and use of data.
DA 525 Project
Management and Business Communication (Elective)
DA 525 Syllabus
This course is intended to provide industry insight into the world of project management and business
communication. Upon completion of this course, students are expected to have a clear understanding of the
tasks and challenges that are fundamental to project management requirements. The course will also cover
issues on team management and other aspects of project management on schedules, risks and resources for a
successful project outcome. The second part of this course will concentrate on effective communication
with team members, presentation techniques for a wide range of audiences and communicating results and
recommendations to upper management and clients.
IT 542 Big Data
Processing using Hadoop (Elective)
542 Syllabus
This course will provide the essential background to start to develop programs that will run on Hadoop
Distributed File System (HDFS). The course will also show the students the limitations of traditional
programming techniques and how Hadoop addresses these problems. After learning the basics of a Hadoop
Cluster and Hadoop Ecosystem, students will learn to write programs using Apache Spark framework and run
these programs on a Hadoop Cluster.
DA 592 Term Project
All graduate students pursuing a non-thesis MSc. Program are required to complete a project. The project
topic and contents are based on the interest and background of the student and are approved by the faculty
member serving as the Project Supervisor. At the completion of the project, the student is required to
submit a final report and present the project. The final report is to be approved by the Project